Archive for the 'PBL' Category

Edutopia Magazine, December 2008 (destaques)

 Edutopia Magazine, December 2008 

Alguns destaques:

Sage Advice: The Know-How That Will Serve Kids Best

What is the most critical skill students should master to succeed?

Turning passion into performance. Too many kids separate their interests from their academics, even if the two have a lot in common. Science class is one thing, and exploring nature in the backyard is another. Separating interests from work is a bad habit that can continue through life if we don’t learn to love what we do.

Jason Freeman


Coalition for Science After School

Berkeley, California

The most critical skill students should master is being able to creatively solve problems. Being able to brainstorm, to create new ideas, and to try new ways to solve problems is essential to our future as participants in a global economy.

Linda Hensley

Special education teacher

Chuckey Doak High School

Afton, Tennessee

Besides reading and math computation, everyone needs to know how to solve problems. The most successful people in our society are not always the brightest academically, but they are all able to solve problems. Not the kind of problems that have trains going in opposite directions at different speeds, but the kind that force you to think through a situation and come up with reasonable alternatives that help you accomplish a task or do a job. Problem solvers have critical-thinking skills and are able to assess along the way whether their thought process is reasonable. Problem solvers also think quickly on their feet, because they do not get distracted with extra information. Regardless of career, students need to be able to think through and solve problems to be successful.

Don Cowart


Hope Highlands School

Cranston, Rhode Island

The most important skill to teach is thinking. The skills needed for tomorrow don’t exist today, so we must prepare students to be able to think critically and with a systems-based perspective so that they can quickly learn the skills (both physical and mental) they will need to succeed in their lifetime.

Jacob Walker

Computer instructor

Twin Rivers Unified School District

Sacramento, California


(…) continua


Collaboration Generation: Teaching and Learning for a New Age

Our future success depends on our cooperative agility.

by Grace Rubenstein   






Collaboration Generation: Special Report


Sons do futuro que desejo…

Porque o wordpress é muito selectivo e não me permite colocar aqui os segmentos de vídeo de alguns momentos do Scratch Time de ontem… deixei  na Teia a entrada que queria colocar aqui….

Podem escutar os meus pardais lá para aqueles lados

The classroom is like perishable art. It has an evanescence that makes it, for me at last, energizing and joyful, but also bittersweet, because the events are impossible to hold in time as a complete entity. Being a teacher-researcher, however, has given me some capacity to grab onto fragments of life that is streaming by me.

Karen Gallas

(citada em The Art of Classroom Inquiry, de Ruth Hubbard e Brenda Power… ver aqui)

Project-Based Learning (Recursos no ISTE)

ISTE – International Society for Technology in Education


Your Learning Journey begins now, with a focus on Project-Based Learning. In the coming months, the Journey will cover new territory—stay on board for what is certain to be a great ride.

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One teacher’s success can help us all find the right path.ISTE’s best Project-Based Learning research
Take advantage of 6 years’ worth of PBL articles culled from ISTE’s world-class publications, L&L and JRTE.
New Book!
Don’t miss ISTE’s exciting new book, Reinventing Project-Based Learning, available November 2007.
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Still Want More?
Project-Based Learning Using Information Technology, Second Edition, by David Moursund has been an ISTE bestseller since its first printing in 1999—and for good reason. A superb project-based learning resource!

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